However, rape can involve male and female victims of all ages.

In fact, the majority of rape victims are women and most know their rapist. We are aware that there is a general perception that most rapes are committed by a single man against a woman unknown to him.We want people to know that our aim is to prosecute rape cases effectively, and we want people to know what they can expect from us. It can inflict lasting trauma on victims and their families. Rape is one of the most serious of all criminal offences.

This is the second edition of the policy statement and reflects the changes in the law and CPS procedures that have taken place since the publication of the first edition in 2004.The document is particularly designed for those who support victims of rape, whether professionally or personally, although it may be of interest to victims, witnesses and the general public. It gives advice on what the CPS does, how rape cases are prosecuted, and what victims can expect from the CPS. This policy statement explains the way we, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), deal with cases in which an allegation of rape has been made.Annex A - list of organisations concerned with rape and sexual offences.Helping victims and witnesses to give evidence.